بزرگترین فروشگاه کتابهای الکترونیک خارجی Sustainable Bamboo Development Ebook - لایب سان- بزرگترین سایت دانلود کتاب از آمازون
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قیمت محصول : 4900 تومان

4900 تومان – خرید
0 خرید نسخه : 1.0

Sustainable Bamboo Development Ebook

Sustainable Bamboo Development Ebook

Sustainable Bamboo Development Ebook


Ebook details:

Title: Sustainable Bamboo Development

Author: Z. Zhaohua,‎ J. Wei

Publisher: CABI

Edition: ۱ edition

Langage: English

Format: ebook True Pdf

Size: ۳۱ Mb

pages: ۳۱۵

Year: ۲۰۱۸

ISBN: 1786394014


This book with four chapters aims to analyse and summarize the experiences of successful and failed cases in China and other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and, based on the analysis and summaries, provide some key views and suggestions on how to develop the bamboo sector in a sustainable way. The first chapter provides a brief analysis of, and introduction to, the features of bamboo plants is given, including their strong renewability, their fast-growing and high biomass production characteristics, and their important ecological functions, including water and soil conservation, role as a carbon sink and in carbon storage, and adaptability to climate change. The second chapter introduces bamboos as plants that have very special features, and make contributions to ecology, the environment and human beings that are far more than people can imagine. The third chapter of the book discusses the bamboo sector. Finally, the last chapter emphasizes that all bamboo developers should develop their own featured bamboo sector or products according to specific local conditions and characteristics. This approach is also applicable to those countries, regions or enterprises that are just starting bamboo development

This book presents over 40 cases of bamboo development from across 22 major bamboo-industry countries and explores the knowledge gained from their successes and failures. It synthesizes experiences and exchanges with country experts from international training courses, study tours, and seminars. Each case includes detailed observations and summaries of discussions related to the development of bamboo-based industries in a healthy, sustainable way to facilitate the strategic and balanced development of the bamboo sectors in different global regions. Industrial and artisanal bamboo growing and processing is expanding worldwide, and this book collates key experiences to inform future developments.

Sustainable Bamboo Development:
– Is authored by an internationally recognized leading expert in the growth and use of bamboo
– Takes a holistic view, covering all aspects of development including technical, socio-economic, policy, cultural, and business development
– Provides practical knowledge to guide the development of bamboo sectors
– Gives a clear idea and rich examples of what has been attempted in many countries
– Acts as a road map for using bamboo as a poverty reduction and environmental security tool

Highly illustrated and presented in full color throughout, this book is an essential resource for private sector investors, governmental and development agencies, and academic researchers and students who are all interested in bamboo.

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