بزرگترین فروشگاه کتابهای الکترونیک خارجی Parasites and pets: a veterinary nursing guide Ebook - لایب سان- بزرگترین سایت دانلود کتاب از آمازون
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قیمت محصول : 4900 تومان

4900 تومان – خرید
0 خرید نسخه : 1.0

Parasites and pets: a veterinary nursing guide Ebook

Parasites and pets: a veterinary nursing guide Ebook

Parasites and pets: a veterinary nursing guide Ebook


Ebook details:

Title: Parasites and Pets: A Veterinary Nursing Guide

Author: H.M. Elsheikha,‎ I. Wright,‎ J. McGarry

Publisher: CABI

Edition: ۱ edition

Langage: English

Format: ebook True Pdf

Size: ۴ Mb

pages: ۱۷۰

Year: ۲۰۱۸

ISBN: 1786394049


This book, inclusive of 10 chapters, focuses on important parasitic diseases of cats and dogs. Each chapter discusses parasitoses specific to organ systems, i.e., gastrointestinal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, skin and muscles, eye and nervous system, and urogenital system. In addition, several chapters are devoted to the discussion of key skills in diagnostic parasitology, parasite control clinics and parasite control in relation to pet travel. With these contents, this book will be of valuable use to both veterinary nurses and students.


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