بزرگترین فروشگاه کتابهای الکترونیک خارجی Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction 9th Edition Ebook
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قیمت محصول : 4900 تومان

4900 تومان – خرید
1 خرید نسخه : 1.0

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction 9th Edition Ebook

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction 9th Edition Ebook

Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction 9th Edition


Ebook details:

Title: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction

Author: William D. Callister Jr.,‎ David G. Rethwisch

Publisher: Routledge

Edition: ۱ edition

Langage: English

Format: ebook True Pdf

Size: ۳۵ Mb

pages: ۹۹۰

Year: ۲۰۱۳

ISBN: 1118324579


Building on the extraordinary success of eight best-selling editions, Callister’s new Ninth Edition of Materials Science and Engineering continues to promote student understanding of the three primary types of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) and composites, as well as the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties. This edition is supported by a redesigned version of Virtual Materials Science and Engineering (VMSE). This resource contains interactive simulations and animations that enhance the learning of key concepts in materials science and engineering (e.g., crystal structures, crystallographic planes/directions, dislocations) and, in addition, a comprehensive materials property database.

WileyPLUS sold separately from text.




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