بزرگترین فروشگاه کتابهای الکترونیک خارجی Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 3rd Edition - لایب سان- بزرگترین سایت دانلود کتاب از آمازون
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قیمت محصول : 4900 تومان

4900 تومان – خرید
1 خرید نسخه : 1.0

Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 3rd Edition

Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 3rd Edition

Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 3rd Edition


Ebook details:

Title: Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

Author: Alex Krulikowski

Publisher: Cengage Learning

Edition: ۱ edition

Langage: English

Format: ebook Image Pdf with OCR searchable

Size: ۹۳ Mb

pages: ۴۳۸

Year: ۲۰۱۳

ISBN: 1111129827


FUNDAMENTALS OF GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING 3E is a unique book that meets the needs of readers studying industrial technology, CAD, engineering technology, or manufacturing technology. This book clearly organizes geometric dimensioning and tolerancing fundamentals into small, logical units for step-by-step understanding. Measurable performance objectives help readers assess their progress. Discussion questions promote interaction and higher-order thinking, and practice problems ensure thorough understanding of the concepts presented. FUNDAMENTALS OF GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING 3E defines and fully encompasses the revised ANSI/ASME Y14.5M-2009 to keep readers current on these important industry standards. This book is cited by top industry professionals as meeting the highest GD&T “standards”!


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