بزرگترین فروشگاه کتابهای الکترونیک خارجی An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research: Theory and Practice Ebook
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قیمت محصول : 4900 تومان

4900 تومان – خرید

An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research: Theory and Practice Ebook

An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research: Theory and Practice Ebook

An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research: Theory and Practice Ebook


Ebook details:

Title: An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research: Theory and Practice

Author:  Steph Menken,‎ Machiel Keestra

Publisher: Amsterdam University Press

Edition: ۲ edition

Langage: English

Format: ebook True Pdf

Size: ۴ Mb

pages: ۱۳۱

Year: ۲۰۱۶

ISBN: 9462981841


One of the major areas of emphasis in the academy in recent years has been interdisciplinary research, a trend that promises new insights and innovations rooted in cross-disciplinary collaboration. This book is designed to help students understand the tools required for stepping beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries and applying knowledge and insights from multiple fields. Relentlessly focused on practical applications, the book will enable students to plan and execute their own interdisciplinary research projects.

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